Sunday’s Jokes 2024-05-19
Some say laughter is the best medicine, so, on Sundays, we post some jokes to hopefully brighten your day. – Editorial Team.
Why did the taxi driver wear sunglasses?
Because his passengers were too bright!
What’s a taxi driver’s favorite instrument?
The “car-net!”
Why don’t taxi drivers play hide and seek?
Because good luck hiding a taxi!
What did the taxi driver say to the wolf?
“Where-wolf do you want to go?”
Why did the taxi driver go broke?
Because he was taking people for granted!
What do you call a taxi driver who’s always in a hurry?
Rushing Roulette.
Why did the taxi driver start a gardening business?
He wanted to plant roots and grow his own fares!
Why was the taxi late?
It got stuck in a fare-y tale traffic jam!
How do taxi drivers party?
They have a fare-well bash!
What’s a taxi driver’s favorite kind of math?