the letters LOL! over ocean sunrise

Sunday’s Jokes 2024-01-28



Sunday’s Jokes 2024-01-28

Some say laughter is the best medicine, so, on Sundays, we post some jokes to hopefully brighten your day. – Editorial Team.



Why did the movie file go to therapy? ….It had too many issues!


What do you call a movie about a detective who can’t solve any cases? ….A real mystery!


Why did the popcorn refuse to watch the movie? ….It said it was tired of getting “buttered up” all the time.


Why did the movie ticket go to school? ….It wanted to be validated!


How do you organize a space party at the cinema? ….You planet!


Why did the ghost go to the movies? ….Because it heard there were some “boo”-tiful scenes!


What did one movie ticket say to the other? ….”You’ve got a great tear-jerker ahead!”


Why did the film bring a ladder to the cinema? ….It wanted to reach new heights in the box office!


How do you make a tissue dance at the movies? ….You put a little boogie in it!


What did the superhero say at the movie concession stand? ….”I’ll have a large popcorn… to the rescue!”


Why did the horror movie break up with the comedy? ….It said their relationship was too “one-sided” with all the laughs.


How do you catch a squirrel at the movies? ….Climb a tree and act like a nut!


Why did the movie director always bring a pencil to the theater? ….In case they needed to draw a conclusion!


What’s a film’s favorite type of snack? ….A thriller with lots of suspense!


Why did the DVD player apply for a job at the cinema? ….It wanted to show its true talent and “play” its part!


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