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Community Terms
This is a place where people can come together and openly discuss issues with other like-minded individuals and hopefully help each other in the process, without the fear of being labeled, insulted or harassed. It is a place for the free sharing of stories, ideas, news and other subjects of interest, where you can meet new people and possibly even make friends.
Our community is by no means limited to people with mental health issues and is open to everyone.
If you are in an emergency situation dial 911, or your local crisis center (we do not know your location).
Our community is like any other social media platform and everyone is encouraged to state what is on their mind, however…
Politics: No “Fake News”. All opinions on current health related, or other events are welcome. No idol worship of politicians. No conspiracy theories. No political advertising. No warmongering. Sharing of news and current events is always welcome.
Ads. No ads. If you wish to place an ad, contact the admin for rates.
No spam. All automated messages, advertisements, and links to competitor websites will be deleted immediately.
Medical advice. No unsolicited medical advice. Only certified medical proffessionals may provide advice if solicited, and if not, must include a disclaimer. Articles dealing with mental health and any other health related subjects are always welcome and encouraged. Go here to post an article on the home page.
Please value each others privacy: Do not share anyone else’s information outside this community.
Abuse: No flaming or abusing fellow community members. Users who post inflammatory or abusive comments will be deleted from the forum after one warning is issued by moderators. There will be no second warning. If you witness this type of behavior, contact the admin or moderator.
No threats or harassment of other users will be tolerated. Any instance of threatening or behavior is grounds for deletion from the community. Anyone who makes any threat shall be removed without warning. If you are a victim, or witness this behavior, contact the Admin or Moderator.
Adult content: No pornography is allowed. Posts containing adult material will be deleted, and you will be banned.
Illegal content: No re-posting of copyrighted materials (unless you own the copyright, or are authorized to do so) or other illegal content is allowed, however, you may post links to news stories, or anything else, as you would on all other social media platforms. Any posts containing illegal content will be deleted. Links to your social media pages and posting of YouTube videos, are allowed.
Rules. If you violate the rules in such a way that you get banned, your user name and the exact reason for banishment will be posted.
By registering on our site, you agee to the terms herein, the Community Privacy Policy, the website Privacy and Terms of Use policies and Disclaimer.
We do not sell your information, spy on your browser/Internet activity, nor is there targeted advertising.