Owning and interacting with pets, according to studies, can be a form of therapy for many. We have dedicated Saturday to dogs and Wednesday to cats, when we will post an article on each of those days. We will also post articles on occasion about other animals people may have as pets. – Editorial Team
Important Tips for Summertime With Dogs
* When weather gets warmer, bugs become a severe issue for both humans and dogs. Be extremely careful when you take your dogs out for a walk, especially long hikes in the woods. Ticks, fleas, mosquitoes and other insects are prone to attack dogs that aren’t protected with parasite prevention. Those who are extremely active outdoors need to talk with their veterinarian to discuss the best type for your pet. There are lots of brands on the market, and they can also make sure your dog is up-to-date on all of his shots for greater protection.
* Car rides should be limited only to long trips where your dog won’t be left unattended in the car. It’s completely safe to keep your dog with you on a long trip in your vehicle, with the proper restraining mechanisms and the windows down. However, you cannot leave your dog in the car, when temperatures begin to rise outside, even with an open window. The temperature in your car is much hotter than what the thermometer reads outside.
* Most dog owners focus on safety in regards to the temperature, but neglect to care for the skin of the dog that’s affected by the sun. In fact, many dogs can get sunburned, as the ears and nose are susceptible to painful burns. Find pet-safe sunscreen for your dog to safeguard against sores when they are outside for long periods of time.
* Keep your dog cool throughout the summer by providing them with ample ways to keep their body temperature down. Place ice cubes in their water bowl and feed them ice as treats. You can keep a dog cool outside by freezing his favorite toy in water to help them hydrate, keep their mind active and cool them off. While inside you’ll need to purchase and use fans in each rooms if you don’t have air conditioners. You can even wet their fur with water to naturally reduce their body temperature. Leaving the windows open will not only reduce the temperature indoors, but will help you to take advantage of the breeze. Always remember to provide ample water, as well.
Pet Article courtesy of http://pet-articles.blogspot.com.