brain scan chart

Our Tunnel-Vision

  2022-08-17 Our Tunnel-Vision   By Bruce Wilson, PhD   What pushes us to have tunnel-vision? That is, the mindset that is only focused on a particular aim, and will not notice or consider anything else. Are there any psychological propensities that make us more prone to have tunnel- vision? How does tunnel-vision affect us […]

the word psychology over ocean sunrise (copyrighted)

Basic Counselling Skills and Their Usefulness

    Basic Counselling Skills and Their Usefulness – Empathy, Acceptance, Warmth and Genuineness   Basic Counselling Skills and Their Usefulness – Empathy, Acceptance, Warmth and Genuineness This essay explains the three essential qualities needed to become a good counsellor. The first part looks at Empathy, the second part Acceptance and Warmth (unconditional positive regard) […]

girl poining a gun

American Violence; A Two-Pronged Remedial Approach

    American Violence; A Two-Pronged Remedial Approach   By Robert Depaolo In the aftermath of recent shootings in Texas, Buffalo and Oklahoma – which incidentally comprise a heinous, but the mere proportion of murders in the USA, the usual commentary consisted of offering prayers for the families, statements about hearts reaching out to the […]

man with arms outstreched facing sunrise

The Self-Saboteur

    The Self-Saboteur   By Bruce Wilson   “I am the greatest obstacle to my greatest dreams.”-Craig D. Lounsbrough Why do we stand in our own way? What possible payoffs could entice someone to repeatedly self-sabotage? Are there any identifiable precursors that could help us comprehend the bewildering mindset of the self-saboteur? Some have […]

the word psychology over ocean sunrise (copyrighted)

Response Paper on “Anatomy of an Epidemic” by Bob Fancher

    Response Paper on “Anatomy of an Epidemic” by Bob Fancher   In his paper “Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of mental iIllness in America by Robert Whitaker,” Bob Fancher analyzes the rising psychiatric industry in America . He looks at whether or not the prescription of […]

the word psychology over ocean sunrise (copyrighted)

Social Work Paper – Understanding the Diverse Group of Adolescent Homosexual Male Minorities

    Social Work Paper – Understanding the Diverse Group of Adolescent Homosexual Male Minorities: The Challenges of Working With People of All Backgrounds   Consider the following introduction of one of the most famous documents ever created in the United States of America; The Declaration of Independence. “When in the Course of human events, […]

the word psychology over ocean sunrise (copyrighted)

The Relationship Between Precipitation, Barometric Pressure, Temperature and Shoplifting

    The Relationship Between Precipitation, Barometric Pressure, Temperature and Shoplifting   The Relationship Between Precipitation, Barometric Pressure, Temperature and Shoplifting Introduction Can hotter weather have an effect on negative human behaviour? Social psychology has long debating the heat hypothesis, saying that as temperatures rise, so do reports of criminal behaviour. Although scattered evidence suggests […]

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