How to Protect Teens in the Age of Social Media (StatePoint) If you’ve been worried about your teen’s social media usage, it would seem your concerns are now legitimized by hard facts and figures. Recent Congressional testimony by former Facebook data scientist Frances Haugen supports the notion that Facebook and its […]
Category: Mental Health
5 Hobbies to Keep Your Body and Mind Healthy and Happy
5 Hobbies to Keep Your Body and Mind Healthy and Happy (StatePoint) As the pandemic continues to restrict many of the places you are able or inclined to go, finding ways to stay active is important for keeping the body and mind healthy and happy. Here are some ideas for new hobbies to try. Learn […]
Coping With Stress
Coping With Stress On This Page Healthy Ways to Cope with Stress Helping Others Cope Mental Health and Crisis The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on our lives. Many of us are facing challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Public health actions, such as social […]
Alcoholism, Depression, and Mental Health
Alcoholism, Depression, and Mental Health By Editorial Team Alcoholism, depression, and mental health are interconnected conditions that can affect individuals in various ways. While alcoholism is a condition that arises from excessive and regular alcohol consumption, depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in […]
Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and Depression By Editorial Team Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health conditions that often coexist and interact with each other. While they are distinct disorders with different symptoms, they share some common features and can have a significant impact on an individual’s emotional and physical […]
Advocating for Mental Health as a Universal Child Right
Advocating for Mental Health as a Universal Child Right (Family Features) Mental health and psychological well-being are essential for children, adolescents and communities to thrive. With crises in locations such as Ukraine, Syria, Turkey and Afghanistan, the mental health and well-being of children and young people around the world are causes for concern. Globally, more […]
Mental Health Friday 2023-05-12 – Learning Disorders
Mental Health Friday 2023-05-12 On Mental Health Friday, we post, in alphabetical order, one per week, information on mental health disorders. Mental Health Friday is for informational purposes only, and is in no way meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Please do not self diagnose and seek professional help for what […]
Diet and Mental Health
Diet and Mental Health By Editorial Team Diet can have a significant impact on mental health, both positively and negatively. The food we eat provides the building blocks for our bodies and brains, and studies have shown that certain nutrients, or the lack thereof, can affect our mood, cognitive function, and […]
Helping Those With Depression
Helping Those With Depression By Editorial Team If someone you know is battling depression, there are many ways you can offer support and help them feel better. Here are some uplifting ways friends or family members can help: Listen without judgment: One of the most important things you can do for […]
How Emotion and Stress Influence our Health
How Emotion and Stress Influence our Health Humans being are in the same time strong and weak because of their emotions. Intelligence requires their adaptation to the good and hard situations in life with all it obstacles. Our feeling , emotions and stress have a crucial impact of our choices and decisions but […]