2023-01-12 Human actions created the Salton Sea, California’s largest lake – here’s how to save it from collapse, protecting wild birds and human health Exposed lakebed at the Salton Sea on Dec. 29, 2022. RJ Sangosti/MediaNews Group/The Denver Post via Getty Images Robert Glennon, University of Arizona and Brent Haddad, University of California, Santa Cruz The […]
Category: Environment

5 Surprising Ways Clean Technology is Improving Daily Life
5 Surprising Ways Clean Technology is Improving Daily Life (StatePoint) Climate-related crises like rising sea levels, severe weather events and longer drought seasons are challenging the global economy. They’re also driving the launch of new clean technologies. Here are five examples of how these new technologies are changing and improving daily life: 1. Making clean […]

Air pollution harms the brain and mental health, too – a large-scale analysis documents effects on brain regions associated with emotions
2022-11-22 Air pollution harms the brain and mental health, too – a large-scale analysis documents effects on brain regions associated with emotions As the planet heats up, air pollution is getting worse. Westend61/Getty Images Clara G. Zundel, Wayne State University The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work. The big idea People […]

EPA Calls Out Environmental Racism in Louisiana’s Cancer Alley
2022-10-26 EPA Calls Out Environmental Racism in Louisiana’s Cancer Alley by Lisa Song, ProPublica, and Lylla Younes, Grist ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. Louisiana must examine how polluters imperil the health of Black residents, the Environmental Protection […]

If You’re Worried About the Environment, Consider Being Composted When You Die
2022-10-12 If You’re Worried About the Environment, Consider Being Composted When You Die Bernard J. Wolfson Would you rather be buried or cremated when you die? If you feel the way I do, the answer is neither. I cringe at the thought of my body burning up at well over 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit […]
Hurricane Ian capped 2 weeks of extreme storms around the globe: Here’s what’s known about how climate change fuels tropical cyclones
2022-10-05 Hurricane Ian capped 2 weeks of extreme storms around the globe: Here’s what’s known about how climate change fuels tropical cyclones Hurricane Ian’s water vapor on Sept. 28, 2022, meant heavy rainfall for large parts of Florida. NOAA Mathew Barlow, UMass Lowell and Suzana J. Camargo, Columbia University When Hurricane Ian hit Florida, it was […]

Bucking Convention to Track the Upside of Invasive Species
2022-09-29 Bucking Convention to Track the Upside of Invasive Species By Asher Elbein A little over a decade ago, Jason Gleditsch was removing Asian honeysuckle when he noticed the birds. Robins and gray catbirds flocked around the thickets in autumn, attracted by the fat, ripe fruits. Originally introduced as ornamental plants in the early 20th […]

Can I recycle this? Prevent wishcycling by knowing what is and isn’t recyclable
Can I recycle this? Prevent wishcycling by knowing what is and isn’t recyclable (BPT) – You make recycling possible. Without consumer participation, recycling programs can’t function. If you already recycle, you’re playing a critical role in reducing waste in your area. But to truly make sure valuable materials — like cartons, plastic and other materials […]
The race against radon
2022-08-30 The race against radon Scientists are working to map out the risks of the permafrost thaw, which could expose millions of people to the invisible cancer-causing gas By Chris Baraniuk Deep in the frozen ground of the north, a radioactive hazard has lain trapped for millennia. But UK scientist Paul Glover realized some […]
New Study on Dangerous Heat in The Future
2022-08-26 If you thought this summer’s heat waves were bad, a new study has some disturbing news about dangerous heat in the future Parts of China suffered through a monthslong heat wave in summer 2022. China Photos/Getty Images David Battisti, University of Washington As global temperatures rise, people in the tropics, including places like India and […]