The Inevitability of Change Author: June Stepansky “Everything changes. Nothing remains without change” –Buddha Change is Inevitable. Whether we suffer a painful loss, endure the breakup of a relationship or lose a job, we can never escape the consequences of change. Although we may vaguely sense that someday change will happen, most of […]
Author: Editorial Teamster
Health News
New Help for Dealing With Aggression in People With Dementia Judith Graham Caring for older adults with dementia is stressful, especially when they become physically or verbally aggressive, wander away from home, develop paranoia or hallucinations, engage in inappropriate or repetitive behaviors, or refuse to let caregivers help them. Upward of 95% of patients […]
Cat Wednesday 2024-05-29 – The Balinese
Cat Wednesday 2024-05-29 Owning and interacting with pets, according to studies, can be a form of therapy for many. We have dedicated Saturday to dogs and Wednesday to cats, when we will post an article on each of those days. We will also post articles on occasion about other animals people may have […]
Pathological Narcissism Psychosis And Delusions
Pathological Narcissism Psychosis And Delusions One of the most important symptoms of pathological narcissism (the Narcissistic Personality Disorder) is grandiosity. Grandiose fantasies (megalomaniac delusions of grandeur) permeate every aspect of the narcissist’s personality. They are the reason that the narcissist feels entitled to special treatment which is typically incommensurate with his real […]
What is your true passion [Self assessment guide]
What is your true passion [Self assessment guide] Author: Masud Rana When you are looking for your true passion: it’s because you seek happiness in your life or because there is a gap you must fill and there are many questions that are nagging you. Carefully answering these self assessment questions will help […]
Health News
The Lure of Specialty Medicine Pulls Nurse Practitioners From Primary Care Michelle Andrews For many patients, seeing a nurse practitioner has become a routine part of primary care, in which these “NPs” often perform the same tasks that patients have relied on doctors for. But NPs in specialty care? That’s not routine, at least […]
THE IMPORTANCE OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION IN THE GLOBAL WORLD Kalimbetova Dinara, Master student, Osh State University Abstract. The new situation is that for the first time in the international community its attitude towards itself becomes the most important and decisive, since it is at this starting point that the foundations and prospects for […]
Grief is a Journey, Not a Destination
Grief is a Journey, Not a Destination By: elaine williams There are days you sit in a chair and stare out the window because living seems to take too much energy. Even to think about what to make for dinner is an all-consuming task. It can be daunting, feeling as if there is nothing […]
Recipe Sunday 2024-05-19
Recipe Sunday 2024-05-19 We feel, and studies suggest, that cooking can be a form of therapy for many. On Sunday, we post recipes for those looking for new ways to diversify their cookbooks (we do not get paid for this). —Editorial Team. Create a Family-Friendly Grazing Board (Family Features) A beautifully designed charcuterie […]
Sunday’s Jokes 2024-05-19
Sunday’s Jokes 2024-05-19 Some say laughter is the best medicine, so, on Sundays, we post some jokes to hopefully brighten your day. – Editorial Team. Why did the taxi driver wear sunglasses? Because his passengers were too bright! What’s a taxi driver’s favorite instrument? The “car-net!” Why don’t taxi drivers play […]