Tuesday’s Quotes 2024-06-04 . “Stay strong, stay positive, and never give up.” Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart . “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin “The only limit to our realization of […]
Author: Editorial Teamster
Preventing Escalation of Issues
Preventing Escalation of Issues Editorial Team Preventing the escalation of issues is crucial for maintaining good mental health. By managing potential conflicts or stressors before they intensify, individuals can reduce the emotional and psychological burden that often accompanies unresolved or escalating problems. This management can take various forms, including communication strategies, […]
Fostering Emotional Safety
Fostering Emotional Safety Editorial Team Fostering emotional safety is crucial for good mental health as it provides individuals with a secure environment where they feel accepted, understood, and respected. When people feel emotionally safe, they are more likely to express their thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities without fear of judgment or rejection. […]
Health News
The Chicken and Egg Problem of Fighting Another Flu Pandemic Arthur Allen Even a peep of news about a new flu pandemic is enough to set scientists clucking about eggs. They worried about them in 2005, and in 2009, and they’re worrying now. That’s because millions of fertilized hen eggs are still the main […]
Connecting With Bliss
Connecting With Bliss By: David Ferruolo Every day, I witness people leading chaotic lifestyles, responding like robots to the negative circumstances of their lives, creating more dissonance and conflict. They seek solace in the next best thing, person or position they can find, but always end up frustrated and wondering why they are not […]
It’s just not right for you to have low “self-confidence” when you can do so much to boost it!
It’s just not right for you to have low “self-confidence” when you can do so much to boost it! DO YOU feel Your lack of “Self-Confidence” holding YOU back in KEY areas of your Life? — perhaps in your working life, social life, love life or even all areas of your life? What if a […]
Health News
Safety-Net Health Clinics Cut Services and Staff Amid Medicaid ‘Unwinding’ Katheryn Houghton One of Montana’s largest health clinics that serves people in poverty has cut back services and laid off workers. The retrenchment mirrors similar cuts around the country as safety-net health centers feel the effects of states purging their Medicaid rolls. Billings-based RiverStone […]
Recipe Sunday 2024-06-02
Recipe Sunday 2024-06-02 We feel, and studies suggest, that cooking can be a form of therapy for many. On Sunday, we post recipes for those looking for new ways to diversify their cookbooks (we do not get paid for this). —Editorial Team. . Bring Joy to Mealtimes by Dining Together: Benefits […]
Sunday’s Jokes 2024-06-02
Sunday’s Jokes 2024-06-02 Some say laughter is the best medicine, so, on Sundays, we post some jokes to hopefully brighten your day. – Editorial Team. . Why did the cruise ship go to therapy? It had too many issues with its emotional baggage! What do you call a nervous sailor on a […]
The Sustainable Path
The Sustainable Path By: Robert Barton Sustainability starts with you, from the smallest change you can make in your own home or office can have a huge effect further up the chain. Simply by buying the right products you can help you and your family save heaps of money, and also help the […]