man with arms outstreched facing sunrise

Achieving Your Inner Peace



Achieving Your Inner Peace

If inner peace seems elusive and unattainable, far away or unreal you aren’t alone. Most of us feel that way at one time or another. Part of your self improvement plan can be to learn how to achieve inner peace. It will be a skill that will help you throughout life. You will be calm during times of stress and during situations that need your immediate attention. One thing you need to always remember – to achieve inner peace is to recognize it is defined by outer circumstances. Let’s look at the steps you can take.
#1 Simplify
Keeping your life simple will contribute to your inner peace because it directs your energy to a single point. Toss out everything that holds you back. That includes friends and acquaintances who drain you and in return give you nothing. Remember quality over quantity. Keep it simple stay focused.

#2 Be in the Present
The only time that really matters is the present because it’s the only time that really exists. That past was, the present is now and the future will be the present. You have no control over the future, nor can you predict it. So focus on what you do have control over – the present. Give it your best and live

#3 Express Your Gratitude
Take a minute to recognize just how fortunate you are. Your mind may have a tendency to wonder and desire something different. But consider this – more than 80 percent of the world lives on less than $10 a day. Where do you fit into this? Chances are in comparison you are living like a King. Your mind is your worst enemy. Remember, should you get what you desire, you’ll only be desiring something else soon. So be grateful for what you have.

#4 Try on Someone Else’s Point of View
Your point of view isn’t the only one. Don’t treat it like it’s law. Be ready to let it go. Don’t go to battle over your point of view for the reality is that it is no more than your opinion. If you find yourself in the wrong, be gracious and acknowledge that.

#5 This too Shall Pass
Everything that comes will pass. Time is generous and indifferent. What is dark today may be glorious tomorrow. Everything perishes – everyone perishes. Nothing is forever. Time will heal the deepest wounds. Since whatever is going on today will pass, sometimes the best solution is simply to let it go. Tomorrow is another day – a fresh start.

#6 Smile
Smile – it can do wonders for your spirit and for the spirit of others. It can soften hearts and change moods. Smiling is connected to love. You can’t smile and be angry or jealous at the same time. Smiling makes you feel calm, happy and loved.


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