Sunday’s Jokes 2024-03-31
Some say laughter is the best medicine, so, on Sundays, we post some jokes to hopefully brighten your day. – Editorial Team.
Why did the cowboy buy a dachshund?
Because he wanted to get a long little doggy!
What do you call a cowboy who’s all by himself?
A “lone ranger”!
Why don’t cowboys ever take showers?
Because they prefer “deodorant”!
Why did the cowboy adopt a dog?
Because he wanted a “bark” in the saddle!
How do cowboys keep their bones healthy?
They drink “calcium-raw!”
What do you get when you cross a snowman and a cowboy?
Why was the cowboy a terrible date?
He always “lassoed” himself into the conversation!
What did the cowboy say when he got to the dog and pony show?
“Looks like we’ve got a real ‘yippee-kai-yay’ event here!”
How do cowboy hats stay on in the wind?
With “hat-strings”!
Why did the cowboy sit on the clock?
He wanted to be on “watch” duty!
What do you call a cowboy with a dog and a cat?
A purr-fect rancher!
Why did the cowboy adopt a bull?
Because he wanted to have a “mooving” experience!
Why did the cowboy get a parrot?
Because he wanted someone to “tickle his funny bone” with jokes!
Why was the cowboy always a hit at parties?
He had a great “round-up” of jokes!
What do you call a cowboy with bad manners?
A rude-olph the red-nosed ranger!