mixed breed dog

Ode to Wimpy: In Memory of a Loyal Companion



Ode to Wimpy: In Memory of a Loyal Companion


By John Dos Santos


mixed breed dog

 Oh, Wimpy, noble soul of fur and tail, In your presence, joy and love set sail. Through fields and alleys, we used to roam, A bond unbroken, a place we called home.

 With eyes that mirrored galaxies of mirth, You brought to us a love that transcends earth. Your gentle paw, a touch that soothed the soul, In your warm gaze, life found its truest goal.

 Through seasons changing, your spirit stood fast, A guardian, a friend, in memories cast. The echo of your bark still fills the air, A melody of joy, beyond compare.

Wimpy, companion, faithful and true, Our hearts ache with the absence of you. Yet, in the tapestry of days now past, Your paw prints linger, forever to last.

In sunlit meadows, where you used to play, In quiet moments, your presence holds sway. A loyal friend, in life and now in rest, You’ve left a paw print on the soul’s own quest.

Through winters’ chill and summer’s golden sheen, Your memory lingers, vivid and serene. A waggish tail, a bark, a boundless grace, In our hearts, you find an eternal place.

As twilight whispers tales of bygone years, We cherish laughter, triumphs, and tears. For in each memory, your spirit thrives, A testament to the love that never dies.

So here’s to you, dear Wimpy, brave and kind, A friend to cherish, in our hearts enshrined. In the realm of dreams, where shadows play, Your essence dances, forever to stay.




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